Monthly Archives: December 2011

Vietnam Christmas

Christmas Day 1970

It was going to be another hot sunny day in Vietnam, but this would go down as one of my most memorable days by far.

A hand full of Charlie Troopers including Roy McDonald and myself hitched a ride in the back of a 3/4 ton Jeep and headed to Long Binh to attend the Bob Hope USO Christmas Show.

This is where I sat on that hot and sunny Christmas Day. A few GI’s climbed trees and telephone poles to get a better view of the stage. The show ended with everyone singing “Silent Night” and not a dry eye anywhere.

Curry Amphitheater on Long Binh Post – Photo by Dave Ondrey


Vietnam “Santa Claus” with a group of hospital patients during one of the 1970 Bob Hope Christmas Shows.
Photographer unknown

Santa visits Phuoc Vinh
The man to the right of Santa is CPT Enn Tietenberg, 1/9th’s XO.
Photographer unknown


Filed under Vietnam War