Monthly Archives: October 2011

Phuoc Vinh UFO

1969 sighting on the Green-line

As if we didn’t have enough to worry about while in Vietnam; here’s a GI that claims he spotted a UFO while pulling guard duty on Phuoc Vinh’s perimeter.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: I was pulling Green-line duty with 3 other 1st Cav. soldiers who were sleeping. I had a star light scope, a radio and all the stuff you would expect in/on a bunker. This bunker was a big well fortified bunker. We were all on top of this bunker from my best recollection. I was pulling my stint, let the others sleep. This bunker was on the western facing perimeter. This night was a beautiful night with no overcast. Many small brilliant stars were in the night sky. No moon, as far as I remember especially facing out west. The starlight scope was working very well. I’m going into a little detail to set the stage leading up to my sighting. I know it’s not to the point Please bear with me.

As I was scanning the western night sky. and all of a sudden something to the Northwest caught my eye. It was a very brilliant whitish, silver and with a hint of blue more of a rounded shape. It was fairly far away. The main thing about this object was it would move to my left, or South in jerky movements , hover, do it again and again. It never lost the same brilliance or colors the entire time. Additionally it left a amber or reddish trail (like a tracer) as it moved only to suddenly stop on a dime. I watched this thing for several minutes.

By this time it was in the Southern Horizon. Then, all of a sudden it shot up skyward on a 45 degree angle towards the North. It was totally out of sight in seconds. I was thinking should I report this? I decided not. I would wait to see if anyone else would, then I would to. I didn’t have the presence of mine to wake the other guys. Mainly, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.


Filed under Vietnam War